About Us
Ichthus Lee Green is a relaxed, family-friendly church with people from all backgrounds worshipping Jesus as part of His ever-growing, loving family. We are a congregation of Ichthus Christian Fellowship - there are ten congregations which make up one London church, but Ichthus has links all over the UK and across the world! Our name simply reflects the area in which we meet (for example we also have Ichthus Forest Hill, Ichthus Belvedere and so on). Find out more about Ichthus here.

Our congregation's heart and motto is: Love, Hope & Following Jesus
Our God is all about love! He showed us that through everything Jesus said and did: “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one & only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
Jesus completely renews our lives and the world around us. In Jesus, there is hope for everyone in every possible circumstance. There’s hope for you today! “And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us…” (Romans 5:5a).
Following Jesus
Being a Christian is the greatest adventure. We want to imitate Jesus as we follow Him, and He will lead us by the Holy Spirit to do great things for Him. “…I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness" (John 10:10b).​
Ichthus Lee Green is led by Joel and Charis (Caz) Todd, who have been part of Ichthus for many years. They joined the Lee Green congregation in 2009 after completing Ichthus' leadership training course called Radical Network, and they both began serving on the church leadership team. In 2015, the former leaders moved on to plant a church overseas, and Joel and Caz stepped up to take over the congregation leadership. Joel quit his job as a Project Engineer to work full-time for Ichthus, and Caz serves too in so many ways. As well as working part-time for the congregation, she works part-time as an early years music teacher. Joel is also on Ichthus' central leadership team. Joel and Charis have both grown up in London, have two young children Joanna & Noah, are both worship leaders, love preaching, and serving in church family life together.